Compensation and Remuneration Committee Board of Directors meeting
Nomination Committee
Group Audit Office
Plans and implements the internal control system.
Chief Executive Officer's Office
Prepares the overall strategic goals of the Group and centrally manages and supervises the implementation of Group business as a whole.
Chief Operating Officer's Office
Centrally plans and implements operations involving end-game and mobile-game products, membership expansion, and platform creation as well as supervise operations at respective departments.
Business UnitStrategic Product Operation DivisionR&D DivisionInformation Technology DivisionProduct Development Division
Human Resources Office
Plans and implements recruitment, educational trainings, compensation and welfare, and employee relations throughout the Group.
Chief Financial Officer’s Office
Optimizes the corporate financial structure, draws up corporate financial strategies, schedules corporate funds, determines investment direction, manages risks, processes accounts, and produces and analyzes financial and accounting statements and reports. The Legal Division is responsible for reviewing contracts and compliance. The Sustainable Planning Office is responsible for the implementation of corporate sustainable development affairs and enhancing the value of sustainable development.
Accounting Information Management DivisionFund Management DivisionLegal Division
Brand Center
Communicates the essence of Gamania as a brand and reinforces brand depth. Takes charge of brand-related affairs such as brand identity, brand image, branding, branded goods, and Group cultural dissemination in order to maintain consistency of the brand internally and externally.
Enterprise Communication Office
Takes charge of the Group’s public relations, plans and implements the Group’s annual public relations plan, holds luncheons with the media and press conferences, releases Group news and accepts interviews by the media, maintains media relations, monitors daily news, and manages crises.
Chief Strategy Officer’s Office
Promotes horizontal integration of subsidiaries and develops big data application within the group. Guides focus projects between subsidiaries or the group and other companies and review project business strategies and monitors various group data for the reference of judging business strategies.
Big Data and Data Science R&D DivisionStrategic R&D Division
Hidol Product R&D Division
Planning and function development of Hidol app products.
Original Creation Center
Responsible for product content creation and related commercial cooperation within the Group.
Information Service Division
Takes charge of integrating related application and development resources to coupled with the group’s operation direction and helps define strategic development and technical research for new services.
Strategic Deployment Division
Takes charge of related operational affairs between the Group and outside parties as part of strategic collaboration.
Internal Service Division
Takes charge of planning fixed assets, purchases, contracts and documentation, and occupational safety, among other logistic and administrative resources, assisting in other services and measures such as employee business tours, employee cafeterias, and the fitness room, and centrally managing related properties such as the corporate building in Neihu.
Global Business Office
Searches for, approaches, and negotiates business development, collaborative opportunities with respective subsidiaries, gaming dealership and business to support with business operation, collects market and competition information, shares new trends, maintains relations with contractors and customers.
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