Gamania is committed to R&D and innovation, and invests in R&D resources in accordance with its operational objectives and develops a management plan for intellectual property rights to reduce operating costs and risks, while improving corporate profitability and achieving industry leadership.
The Company regularly submits its intellectual property management plan to its Board meetings every year, and the latest submission date was November 6, 2024.

Patent Strategies and Objectives

1. Enhance Intellectual Property Awareness

Conduct at least one training session to improve employees' understanding of intellectual property (IP), aiming to effectively protect the Group's internal IP and reduce external infringement risks.


2. Strengthen Intellectual Property Management

Since 2024, the company has been gradually implementing the Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS), with 80% progress achieved. By 2025, the company aims to obtain TIPS A-Level certification to enhance corporate governance evaluation scores and upgrade internal IP management systems.

Patent status

In 2024, the number of Gamania’s approved and disclosed patents in Taiwan totaled 79.


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