Gamania is committed to R&D and innovation, and invests in R&D resources in accordance with its operational objectives and develops a management plan for intellectual property rights to reduce operating costs and risks, while improving corporate profitability and achieving industry leadership.
The Company regularly submits its intellectual property management plan to its Board meetings every year, and the latest submission date was November 6, 2023.

Patent Strategies and Objectives

Leader in technology

  1. Leader in technology

    With the goal of being a full ecosystem network company, we continue to invest in technology research and development and patent layouts of related services to maintain our leading position in the industry.

    • Completion of patent exploration and analysis

    Under the premise of linking the Company's operational objectives, conduct search and analysis in the following areas in cooperation with the research and development unit: AI scam detection, AI feature learning, electronic payments, and NFT applications to grasp the technological development and layout status of the industry, carry out corresponding research and development breakthroughs, and conduct patent application and layout protection for key technologies.

  1. Protection of intellectual rights

    Comprehensively protect the Company's research and development achievements, strictly require patent and trademark applications and copyright notarization, and implement the Group's intellectual property policy.

    • Obtained the new group trademark identification for "One Brand" in Taiwan, with approvals in overseas regions expected to follow in 2024.
    • Conducted tens of thousands of trademark searches in regions of primary and planned operations, and evaluated measures to block and revoke similar trademarks.
    • Planning to implement the TIPS (Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System) in 2024 to enhance the internal intellectual property management system.

Patent status

In 2023, the number of Gamania’s approved and disclosed patents in Taiwan totaled 86.


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