While pursuing sustainable operation and profitability, Gamania Group also promises to comply with the rules and laws related to social responsibility and fulfill its social responsibility to protect all employees, customers, manufacturers, shareholders, and stakeholders. From the core business of the company, Gamania pays attention to and invests resources in daily operations, including employee health and welfare, gender equality, employment promotion and economic growth, climate related actions, etc, supports the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations with actions, and abides by internationally recognized human rights standards such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Enterprise and Human Rights, and the United Nations International Labor Organization. The commitment and policy statement of the Group regarding human rights are as follows:

I. Create a workplace that is independent, diverse, inclusive, and respectful:

In response to the rapidly changing nature of the internet, Gamania regards its employees as sustainable business partners who can feel the importance that Gamania places on talents in the work environment and system. Provide competitive salary and welfare programs, create a harmonious labor communication environment, and continuously attract more like-minded talents to join Gamania. In terms of strategic development and organizational human resources allocation, allow talents to continuously pursue higher value realization through talent cultivation, diversified employment methods, a flexible performance system, and the use of proprietary apps to simplify the workflow. In addition to complying with labor laws and regulations, we do not have discrimination in any form due to gender, sexual orientation, race, class, age, marriage, language, ideology, religion, party, place of birth, appearance, facial features, or physical or mental disabilities. We are committed to creating a dignified, safe, equal, and harassment-free work environment.

Diversity and Gender Equality Policy Statement of Gamania Group

II. Building a healthy and safe work environment:

Adhere to the provision of a healthy and safe work environment, and provide workplace safety and employee health care in a systematic manner.

Build a "happy and secure" workplace environment with employees by adopting an open and diverse governance model through a sports environment, healthy diet, and corporate childcare. Gamania is committed to providing and continuously improving its software and hardware, and creating a real-time, elastic, and flexible contingency space.

III. Regular inspection and evaluation of relevant systems and actions:

Gamania pays close attention to the frequency and quality of labor-management communication. Through its quarterly Full Gamania Assembly, employee Q&A time, and G!Voice (Gamania Group’s official publication), we strive to create an effective mechanism of bi-lateral communication for employees through innovative and diverse channels that allows us to learn the opinions and needs of employees in the shortest time possible, so that we can express and convey Gamania’s management philosophy and strategies to them.

  1. Gamania pays close attention to the frequency and quality of labor-management communication. Through its quarterly Full Gamania Assembly, employee Q&A time, and G!Voice (Gamania Group’s official publication), we strive to create an effective mechanism of bi-lateral communication for employees through innovative and diverse channels that allows us to learn the opinions and needs of employees in the shortest time possible, so that we can express and convey Gamania’s management philosophy and strategies to them.
    Corporate Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles
    Sexual Harassment Prevention Measures, Complaints, and Disciplinary Measures
  2. Maintain smooth communication channels and an appeal mechanism: Sexual harassment and any forms of non-sexual harassment are strictly prohibited in Gamania. Employees may write to the complaint mailbox 995@gamania.com for harassment reporting, and write to the whistleblower mailbox integrity@gamania.com for ethical or integrity issues. For any miscellaneous matters within the company environment, the employee may leave an anonymous message in the "teamgoal!" → "Gamania Express M" group. For any questions about the Group's operation and development. The employee may also ask questions or provide suggestions through Gamanian Discovery anonymous Q&A form, and the Group CEO will read out the questions word by word, try to understand the employees' needs on site, and answer the questions. Through such interaction, Gamania is able to actively establish a bridge of communication between its management and employees to improve the quality of their interaction.

IV. Implementation of Training and Publicity

  1. Provide pre-employment training for new employees, and promote policies such as prohibition of forced labor and child labor, anti-harassment, and anti-discrimination.
  2. Organize various training or publicity courses every year.
  3. The Company completed 434 person-times of training and publicity in 2023, for a total of around 434 hours. The course contents include the value and boundaries of ethical corporate management, confidentiality of material information, formation and identification of insider transactions, etc. The new course on workplace unlawful infringement has been added this year. The briefing materials and video files are permanently put on the internal employee learning website, and the contents are updated from time to time.

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