Members of the 2nd Audit Committee

Position Name Gender Age Nationality Experience Concurrently serving as an employee of the Company Years of experience as an independent director
Independent Director
Sheng, Bao-Si Male 51-60 R.O.C. Chairman of BORA PHARMACEUTICALS CO., LTD. No 3-9
Independent Director
Lin, Ruei-Yi Male 51-60 R.O.C. Chairman of STARTRII CO., LTD No 3-9
Independent Director
Chen, Kuan-Pai Male 51-60 R.O.C. Chairperson of Bai Chuan International Investment Co., Ltd. No 3-9
Independent Director
Hou, Chia-Qi Female 31-40 R.O.C. Chairperson of Ascent Developement No 3 ↓

All members of the Committee have diversified expertise, including operation and management, industrial knowledge, leadership, and decision-making. They are either outstanding entrepreneurs or professionals with rich experience in finance or operation.

  Industry experience Professional competence
Name Cultural creativity Information technology Finance Biotechnology Trade Department Hotel International operations R&D Finance Analysis Investment Mergers and acquisitions Risk management
Sheng, Bao-Si check     check     check check check check check check
Lin, Ruei-Yi         check   check   check check   check
Chen, Kuan-Pai     check       check   check check   check
Hou, Chia-Qi check   check     check check   check check check check
Name Title Experience (Education)
Sheng, Bao-Si Chairman of BORA PHARMACEUTICALS CO., LTD.
Bachelor of Economics of University of California - Berkeley

Member of the Compensation and Remuneration Committee, Audit Committee, and Nomination Committee of Gamania Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Chairman and President of BORA PHARMACEUTICALS CO., LTD.
Director of WELLPOOL CO., LTD.
Director of Baolei Co. Ltd.
Chairman of Bao En International Co., Ltd.
Independent Director and Member of the Remuneration Committee and Audit Committee of BIONET Corporation
Director of Rui Bao Xing Investment Co., Ltd.
Chairman of Bora Health Inc.
Chairman of Bora Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc.
Chairman of Jia Xi International Co., Ltd.
Chairman of Bora Management Consulting Co., Ltd.
Chairman of Bora Biotech Ltd.
Person in charge of Bora Pharmaceuticals USA Inc.
Person in charge of Bora Pharmaceuticals Services Inc.

Lin, Ruei-Yi Chairman of STARTRII CO., LTD
Master of Business Administration of George Washington University

Member of the Compensation and Remuneration Committee, Audit Committee, and omination
Committee of Gamania Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Chairman of STARTRII CO., LTD
Director of Shun Yi Investment Co., Ltd.
Director of Lien Chen Automotive Co., Ltd.
Independent Director and Member of the Remuneration Committee and Audit Committee of Bora Pharmaceuticals

Chen, Kuan-Pai Chairperson of Bai Chuan International Investment Co., Ltd.
Director of AURORA GROUP
Master of University of Southern California

Member of the Compensation and Remuneration
Committee, Audit Committee, and Nomination
Committee of Gamania Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Chairman of Bai Chuan International Investment Co., Ltd.
Director of Bora Pharmaceuticals

Responsibilities of the Committee

The responsibilities of the Audit Committee are as follows:

1. Establish or amend the internal control system in accordance with Article 14-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act.

2. Assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control system.

3. Formulate or amend the procedures for handling significant financial and business activities, such as acquiring or disposing of assets, engagement in derivatives trading, loans to others, endorsement or guarantees for others, in accordance with Article 36-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act.

4. Matters involving directors' own interests.

5. Significant asset or derivative transactions.

6. Significant loans to others, endorsements, or guarantees.

7. Offering, issuing, or private placement of securities with an equity nature.

8. Appointment, dismissal, or remuneration of the certifying CPAs.

9. Appointment and dismissal of financial, accounting, or internal audit supervisors.

10. Annual and semi-annual financial reports.

11. Other major matters prescribed by the Company or the competent authority.

Annual work priorities

"The Audit Committee", composed of four independent directors, regularly convenes meetings prior to the board of directors each quarter to review the company's internal control systems, execution of internal audits, and significant financial business activities. It communicates with and exchanges views with certified public accountants to oversee the company's operations and risk management.

In 2023, our company held a total of 5 meetings, with the main deliberations as follows:

  1. Review of quarterly financial statements: All quarterly financial reports of our company have been approved by the Audit Committee
  2. The audit supervisor reports to the committee each quarter
  3. Establishment or revision of internal control systems and related important methods
  4. Assessment of the effectiveness of internal control systems
  5. Significant fund lending, endorsement, or provision of guarantee
  6. Appointment of Yan Yufang and Lin Yongzhi from PwC as certified public accountants for 2023 financial report
  7. Pre-approval of non-certified services provided by 2023 certified public accountant, its firm, and related enterprises and alliance firms to our company and its subsidiaries
  8. Appointment of Mr. Sheng Baoxi as the convener of the second Audit Committee.

Meetings Attendance

In 2023, the Committee held 5 meetings (A), and the attendance of Committee members was as follows:

Position Name Actual attendance number (B) Number of entrusted attendances Actual attendance rate(%)(B/A)
Independent Director
Sheng, Bao-Si 4 1 80
Independent Director
Lin, Ruei-Yi 4 1 80
Independent Director
Chen, Kuan-Pai 4 1 80
Independent Director
Hou, Chia-Qi 3 0 100


Important proposals

The information on each committee meeting is as follows:

Date Contents of the proposal Resolution Objection
2023.03.09 ● Audit report case.
● Other major accounting audit topics and legislative amendment report case.
● Approved the internal control system from January 1st, 2022, to December 31st, 2022, and issued an internal control
statement based on the self-assessment results.
● Approval of the 2022 annual financial statements.
● Approval of the 2022 profit distribution.
● Approval of the replacement of the certifying accountant.
● Approval of the independence assessment of the certifying accountant and their associated accounting firm for 2023.
● Approval for the pre-approved certifying accountant, their office, and related enterprises and alliance offices to
provide non-certification services to our company and subsidiaries in 2023.
● Approval of the 2023 Audit Committee's annual work priorities.
After full discussion by the members and the Chairman's consultation with all the members present, the proposals were adopted without objection. NA
2023.05.10 ● Audit report case.
● Other major accounting audit topics and legislative amendment report case.
● Approval of the consolidated financial statements for 2023Q1.
● Approval of the revision of the company's "Internal Control System" and "Internal Audit Implementation Rules".
2023.06.20 ● Approval of the election of the convener and chairman of the second "Audit Committee".
2023.08.07 ● Audit report case.
● Other major accounting audit topics and legislative amendment report case.
● Approval of the consolidated financial statements for 2023Q2.
2023.11.06 ● Audit report case.
● Other major accounting audit topics and legislative amendment report case.
● Approval of the consolidated financial statements for 2023Q3.
● Approval of the company's endorsement and guarantee for its subsidiaries.

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