In addition to improving and expanding its core business, Gamania shoulders the sustainability mission entrusted by stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, employees etc. In 2019, the board meeting approved the establishment of an ESG Committee. Under the ESG Committee, we establish the "Sustainability Planning Office", responsible for promoting and integrating various ESG task groups, and reports its implementation results to the board of directors at least once a year.
2023 Operation and Implementation
While operating the enterprise, the Group adheres to the responsibility of practicing corporate social responsibility. Therefore, we established a project in 2018 to actively implement continuous improvement plans and activities for various energy conservation measures, reduce electricity and energy consumption through the management mechanism, and improve energy efficiency through various measures to reduce the impact of the Group on the natural environment. In addition, we have formulated energy management policies and are committed to continuously promoting the following:
The year 2023 marks the first year of utilization of green energy for Gamania Group. As of March, the group's headquarters has commenced the use of approximately 21% solar green electricity. The cumulative purchase of green energy certificates is 901 this year.
Gamania took the lead in complying with regulatory requirements starting in 2021 by introducing ISO 14064-1:2018 and obtaining certification. Henceforth, we continue to track carbon reduction performance based on greenhouse gas inventories, and move towards the net-zero ambition through scientific and systematic carbon reduction.
Third-party verification certificate for the 2023 carbon inventory
Third-party verification certificate for the 2022 carbon inventory
Third-party verification certificate for the 2021 carbon inventory
Please refer to the MOPS – Corporate Governance Zone for details.
Since 2018, Gamania has initiated energy conservation and carbon reduction management policies and implementation plans, with recent plans as follows:
Gamania has a supplier management policy to work with suppliers on the promotion of sustainable development and jointly reduce environmental impacts. It also requires suppliers to sign a ""Supplier Corporate Social Responsibility Statement"" when signing a contract to ensure that all partners comply with the relevant environmental, labor, and human rights norms.
In the procurement management measures, each year the Administration and Procurement Department selects evaluation targets based on the number of transactions, transaction volume, and importance. The procurement unit shall conduct a review based on the items listed in the supplier evaluation form, including quality, timeliness, and customer complaint handling, and conduct reviews in accordance with the supplier evaluation rules and regulations. Those who have been evaluated as providing abnormal cooperation but continue to cooperate must be prioritized as evaluation objects.
The supplier evaluation results shall be confirmed by the supervisor of the responsible unit, signed and sealed, and used by the procurement personnel as the basis for future supplier selection.
Scoring rules:
The procurement personnel shall investigate the supplier’s past cooperation records or market evaluation (relevant investigation and implementation methods shall be handled in accordance with the procurement management measures and relevant supplier management regulations of the Group, and the evaluation shall be recorded in the supplier evaluation form as the basis for subsequent annual supplier evaluations.
Supplier evaluation items, including quality, timeliness and scoring criteria, must be clearly recorded in the evaluation form, and the evaluation results shall be determined by the department head. The rules for point addition/deduction are listed below.
Point deduction rules:
Suppliers with controversies or disputes in cooperation shall be reported and managed in accordance with the regulations and point deduction shall apply.
Suppliers who conceal, disclose, or violate the terms and conditions without actually fulfilling the agreement shall be reported for management and point deductions shall apply.
Point addition rules:
Supplier management rules:
Exit rules:
The sampling risk assessments for suppliers have been conducted. In 2023, a total of 12 suppliers underwent the risk assessments, accounting for 10.26% of all suppliers.
Gamania not only prioritizes supplier selection but also supports green and local procurement. In 2023, Gamania achieved 100% local procurement, with green purchases of products bearing eco-labels and environmentally friendly cleaning supplies amounting to NTD 10.8 million. Together with the expenditure for environmental projects, the total cost exceeded NTD 11.48 million.